
Trump Girl has a point!


Hello friends,

A couple weeks ago, the weekly email came with the subject line, “always reacting.” The idea was that we often find ourselves reacting immediately and viscerally to polls or items in the news cycle, and that this endless cycle of elation and deflation is mentally and spiritually exhausting.

I had a chance to field test this idea about reaction recently, though it wasn’t to a poll or a news item, but rather, to a physical piece of political stimulus.

This last week, passing by the parking lot at the Davidson College Union, I happened to see the tailgate of a black pickup truck, bearing in flowery script the words, “Yes, I’m a Trump Girl! Get Over It!” One expects this sort of thing when driving in Gaston County, but here in my own backyard, this stimulus was unexpected and my reaction to it was immediate, visceral and entirely predictable: “UGH!” I practically barked

But reflecting on it later, it seemed that Trump Girl was making a valuable point. The goal of placing that language on the back of a truck was to produce a reaction, and I reacted pretty much as expected. Trump Girl yanked on my leash, and I was yanked! 

I can only hope that many of you are more spiritually evolved than I am when it comes to this kind of stimulus, but just in case you find yourself in a similar state of mind, it may help to ask, “why am I wearing that leash? How did that get put on me?” And then, after pausing for just a moment in that reflective zone, think to yourself, “I believe I’m going to just take it off.” Whew; that feels good! Enough with being infuriated; enough with being outraged. 

Of course, contrary to Trump Girl’s advice, “getting over it” doesn’t mean ignoring it or accepting it as normal. Because it’s definitely NOT normal that the preferred candidate for one of the two major political parties is so deeply and terribly awful. There’s no question that this political moment calls for vigorous action, and with all speed. But do it calmly, resolutely, forcefully, in freedom. Keep that leash-free mind; let’s not be stampeded  by anyone, on either side of the political aisle, for reasons of fear or anger.

You may have seen the bumper sticker that reads, “if you’re not outraged you’re not paying attention.” The message has merit: if we really saw what was going on around us, we would be strongly motivated to fight for change. True enough.

However, it may also be true to say, “if we’re outraged, we’re not paying attention.” We’re not paying attention to the dynamics of our instinctive, conditioned reactions and how those conditioned reactions hold us hostage and yank us up and down and all around. Try stepping away from all that. 

Have a marvelous, leash-free week.
