
Something happened…

Hello all,

About seven minutes after I hit “send” on the email this afternoon, news arrived of President Biden’s withdrawal from the race. I can imagine this generates a flood of reactions in all of us. Personally, I’m grateful to President Biden for his tremendous service to his country, and for this action on his part, which I believe gives us the best chance of averting a devastating second Trump term. Biden put country over self, an action that is simply impossible for Donald Trump to even conceive. This strong and selfless act makes clear a fundamental difference between Democrats and Republicans. 

What comes next? No doubt there are diverse opinions, but speaking personally, I believe a ticket featuring Kamala Harris in the top spot is an excellent option, for two reasons: first, her own character, intellect, and skills, as well as the executive experience she’s acquired over the last four years. And second, because speed, efficiency, and unity are of the utmost importance at this point. A drawn-out and fractious process would dissipate the momentum we can seize right now. 

And now, we choose a VP. Many of you will know that our own Roy Cooper is emerging as a serious prospect. Heaven knows we can do better than J.D. Vance, a man who, for all his intelligence, has completely disqualified himself as a moral and intellectual being by adopting the Big Lie, that Donald Trump won the 2020 election. Just another reality denier. So much for that J.D. from Yale.

If you believe that rallying around VP Harris is the best thing we ca do at this moment, you might consider donating to her campaign. Think about the stress and anxiety Democrats across the country having been feeling for the last month and translate that into donations: what would that add up to?  Imagine the message it would send for Democrats to raise two hundred million dollars for the Harris campaign in just 24 hours. You’ll remember that Trump crowed about raising $52 million after his conviction. And then it emerged that $50 million of that was from a single donor.  

All that stuff I said this afternoon about canvassing still applies! But now, I think, there will be an extra spring in our step.

Off we go,
