Yellow crime scene tape that reads "crime scene do not cross"

Crime in the US

Republicans repeatedly claimed during the Republican convention that the US was safer during Trump’s presidency from 2017-2020. Trump claimed in an April 2, 2024, speech that US crime statistics are “only” going up. Both claims are wrong! Crime has fallen under Biden.

Trump’s Presidency did not make the USA safer. In 2020, the last year of Trump’s presidency, the US murder rate increased by approximately 30% when compared to 2019, the largest percentage increase year over year since 1905 and the highest total
of murders since 1995 (Source: Pew Research Center). Also, violent crime rose by 7.8% when compared to 2019. Violent crimes are offenses against persons which involve force or threat of force, murder, nonnegligent manslaughter, robbery, forcible rape and aggravated assault (Source: USA Facts). In 2021 and 2022 while Biden was President, violent crime dropped in each of those two years (Source: Statista).

Trump also claims that there were no terrorist attacks in the US during his presidency. Trump’s claim is wrong and contrary to findings by his own Justice Department. Some of the incidents in the US which Trump’s Justice Department described as terrorist attacks during Trump’s presidency are the following:

– In 2017 in New York City, a supporter of ISIS killed 8 persons and injured others. Trump’s Justice Department described this incident as a terrorist attack.

– In 2019 in Florida, an extremist member of Saudi Arabia’s military killed 3 persons and injured others at a US military facility. Trump’s Justice Department described this incident as a terrorist attack.

– In 2018, explosive devices were set to prominent Democratic officials and to journalists. Trump’s Justice Department described this incident as a terrorist attack.

– In 2019, a mass shooting which targeted Latinos at a Walmart in Texas killed 23 persons. Trump’s Justice Department described this incident as a terrorist attack.